开山空压机 螺杆式空压机 空压机 空气压缩机
开山KAITEC系列空压机获得澳方SCC公司的一直认可 http://www.51kaishan.com

 开山空压机外贸部收到了澳大利亚Southern Cross Compressors公司的总经理ROD先生和技术总监CHRIS  LYONS 先生的感谢信,来信告诉我们开山压缩机公司首次出口发达国家的KAITEC系列节能空压机在澳大利亚表现出色,其卓越的性能令澳大利亚的客户信服,并赢得了该客户的后续订单。
Hello all,
Today we had the buyer of the first KHE132/10 in to witness the machine in operation before accepting delivery. This buyer is a major power station, serving the state of Victoria and is a “blue chip” company. To win their business is very prestigious and very impressive to other potential customers. We told you at the time of quoting that if we did well with this sale we had the potential to sell another 5 of them – 6 in total.
You will be very pleased to hear the company representatives, an engineer and an electrical/electronics expert, were extremely pleased with the new compressor. We had it running for them and they were amazed at how quiet it was. They were so impressed they immediately said they would order another one and told us they would send a letter of intent early next week. We will order on you as soon as we get that letter.
I would like to thank all of you on behalf of my company for the way this machine was built and presented. It has enabled us to immediately win more business and further improves the ‘story’ we can tell other potential buyers about the power station who bought one, were so impressed they immediately bought another. This will be a wonderful selling aid and we thank you very much for it. Please pass on our sincere gratitude to all at Kaishan for the very fine work. We look forward to a very successful future.
Chris Lyons
Technical Director
Southern Cross Compressors (Australia) Pty Ltd

                                            CHRIS LYONS (克里斯,莱恩斯)
                                           SCC Southern Cross Compressors (Australia) Pty Ltd

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